About Päivi Kannisto
Päivi Kannisto and Santeri Kannisto got married in 2004 and embarked on their endless journey in Brazil. Prior to her career as a global nomad, researcher and writer, she worked in a variety of jobs including management consultancy. The couple have written altogether twelve published books in Finnish and English, both fiction and non-fiction.
Santeri Kannisto worked with Open Source and founded the leading Finnish Open Source software house SOT Finnish Software Engineering Ltd in 1991. The company was known of Best Linux, SOT Linux ja SOT Office products. Santeri ran the company until October 2004.
Curriculum Vitae
Experience | ||
Professional tourist | 10/2004– | |
Author | E.g. Ashgate/Routledge, Palgrave Macmillan, Atena | 11/2004–8/2023 |
Researcher | Tilburg University, The Netherlands | 4/2012–6/2014 |
Producer | Nelonen Maailma, Finland | 2011 |
Management Consultant | CLC Center For Leading Competence | 2/2004–10/2004 |
Content Manager | Oy Radiolinja Ab/Elisa Oyj (TelCo) | 2/2001–4/2004 |
Communications Manager | DMI Digital Media Institute/Tampere University of Technology | 7/1999–1/2001 |
Press Officer | The City of Pori | 5/1998–6/1999 |
Journalist | Finnish News Agency | 11/1997–4/1998 |
Researcher | Academy of Finland | 8/1994–7/1997 |
Research Assistant | Academy of Finland | 9/1993–7/1994 |
Education | ||
PhD (Tourism/Leisure studies) | Tilburg University, Netherlands | 2014 |
PhD (Comparative Literature) | University of Tampere, Finland | 1998 |
M.Sc. (Journalism and Mass Communications, Economics) | University of Tampere | 1997 |
M.A. (Comparative Literature) | University of Tampere | 1993 |
Baccalaureate | Tampereen yhteiskoulu | 1989 |
Other Education | ||
Elisa Management Masterclass | CLC | 2003 |
Foreign Trade in French-speaking Countries | Tampere University/Institute for Extension Studies | 1997 |
Travel Guide | Tjäreborg, Spain | 1992 |
Commissions of Trust | ||
Tourism Geographies, Taylor & Francis, UK | Reviewer | 2018 |
Applied Mobilities, Routledge, UK | Reviewer | 2017 |
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Emerald Publishing, UK |
Reviewer | 2016–2020 |
Journal of Tourism Management, Elsevier Publications, The Netherlands | Reviewer | 2015–2020 |
Routledge, UK | Editorial Reviewer | 2014 |
Espoo Junior Chamber | Board Member | 2003–2004 |
Media & Viestintä [Media & Communications, journal] | Reviewer | 2001 |
Mindtrek Media Week | Vice President | 2000–2001 |
Mindtrek Multimedia Competition | Member of The Jury | 2000 |
Awards | |
Paavo Koli scholarship of Tampere University | 1993 |
Unto Kupiainen scholarship of Tampere University | 1993 |
Languages |
English, French, Spanish, Swedish, Finnish. |
Free e-books, click to download
Parisuhdekirja Onnelliset yhdessä (Happy Together, a book on couple relationships) Päivi & Santeri, 2009 |
La Habanera The Escape From The Rat Race Also available in Finnish and Hebrew. Päivi & Santeri, 2005 |
Tourism Guide for Brazilians Finnish translation Turistiopas brasilialaisille was published in Gilded Pooper Scooper Also available in Spanish. Päivi & Santeri, 2005 |
Suolatut säkeet (Vitriolic Verses, PhD Thesis) The discursive formation undergone by Finland and the Finns from the seventeenth century to the end of the nineteenth century. Päivi Kannisto, 2008 |
Book Chapters
- Kotiseutu maailmalla. In M. Vanhatalo (2017) (Ed.), Kotiseutu 2017. Helsinki: Kotiseutuliitto.
- Adventuring and vagrancy: Justifying location-independence. In S. Benjamin & F. Dervin (2015) (Eds.), Migration, Diversity, and Education: Beyond Third Culture Kids. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
- Köyhä mutta paras. Zacharias Topeliuksen Suomi-kuva. In P. Molarius (1998) (Ed.): Konteksti—tutkimuksen avainsana? Kirjallisuudentutkijain seuran vuosikirja 51/I. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura.
- Suomen laitimmaisin kirjallisuushistoria. Kirjallisuushistorian kirjoittaminen. In J. Niemi (1996) (Ed.): Rakkaudesta lukemiseen. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino.
- Hevosenkaltainen kansa. Suomalaisuuden topeliaaninen kuvasto. In M. Kylmänen (1994) (Ed.): Me ja muut. Tampere: Vastapaino.
Journal Articles
- Kannisto, P. (2018). Travelling like locals: Market resistance in long-term travel. Journal of Tourism Management, 67, 297-306.
- Kannisto, P. (2017). Sharing for profit: A new business model? Annals of Tourism Research, 66C, 206–208.
- Kannisto, P. (2016). "I'm not a target market": Power asymmetries in market segmentation. Tourism Management Perspectives, 20, 174–180.
- Kannisto, P. (2016). Extreme mobilities: Challenging the concept of 'travel'. Annals of Tourism Research, 57, 220–233.
- Rantanen, P. (1995). Ett hästlikt folk: Det Topelianska finskhetsbegreppet (M. Sandin, Trans.). Horisont, 42(1), 63–68.
- Rantanen, P. (1994). Topeliaaniset selviytymisstrategiat. Topeliaaninen retoriikka ja renessanssi 1990-luvun Suomessa. Tiede & Edistys, 1/1994.
Keywords: Author, Päivi Kannisto, Paivi Kannisto, Päivi Rantanen, PhD, CV, curriculum vitae, bibliography, publication, book, ebook, Suolatut Säkeet, Vitriolic Verses, Kullattu kakkalapio, Platinainen pilvenreuna, Asiakaspalvelu, Takaportti, Johtamisen pakolliset kuviot, La Habanera, Santeri Kannisto.